Resallience, our design office specialized in climate resilience, won the PIARC France 2021 Award in the resilience category.
Resilience of road infrastructures to face climate change
The French Committee of the World Road Association has launched the PIARC France 2021 Awards to highlight the road and transport sector. Our Resallience teams: Philippe Sohouenou, Didier Soto, Camille Vignote and Karim Selouane, wrote a paper that won them first place ex-aequo, in the Resilience category for the Calgary congress. This is a real international recognition of their work on the technical, scientific and innovation aspect.
The paper entitled „A framework to prioritize critical road segments for climate-resilience investments” was presented by Philippe Sohouenou at the XVI World Congress on Winter Roads and Road Resilience held virtually. He spoke at the „Road Network Resilience to Climate Change” session on February 9 and at the „Poster Session 7” on February 10, 2022.
Here is an extract from the full article available below:
„With climate change, the impacts of natural hazards on road networks and mobility could worsen. Hence, strengthening the resilience of road infrastructures to natural hazards is more critical than ever before. To reach this objective, the design, operation and maintenance of road infrastructures should be informed by climate, transport, infrastructure and land-use data and models. In particular, transport operators and public authorities need to analyze such data and models to identify critical roads, which should be given priority for resilience strengthening investments. „